Office of Student Life

Buckeye Leadership Fellows Program

Shanvanth Arnipalli

Hometown: New Albany, OH 

Major(s): Environmental Science with a Specialization in Water Science

OSU Involvement: Board President-English Conversation Program (Office of International Affairs), President for Communications and Operations-Leadership of Environmental Athletes for Sustainability (LEAFS), Founder and Board President-Heath Carousel Campus Ambassadorship

Favorite Quote: "Every day I see the stars. Shining bright into my life. Fought this battle on my own. Found my strength in love I feel. Everything I do is real." ~(Jessi, Song: Star)

Shanvanth will pursue either an MD or a Ph.D. program post-graduation. He is currently working on his undergraduate thesis regarding parental meta-emotion and socialization goals. He would like to use his undergraduate experiences to work in a research lab abroad before attending graduate school.